mánudagur, september 24, 2007


Ég vildi ég gæti verið skiptinemi hér að eilífu. Vissi alveg að það yrði gaman hér en grunaði ekki að það yrði svona hroðalega skemmtilegt. Hér er aldrei dauður tími.

Það nýjasta er allsvakalegt ferðalag um Skandinavíu/Austurevrópu sem ég náði að næla mér miða í á síðustu stundu.

Stokkhólmur, Helskinki, St. Pétursborg, Moskva og Tallinn verður allt tekið á einu bretti í viku löngu ferðalagi um miðjan nóvember. Get ekki beðið!

Hér sjáiði ferðalýsinguna:

25 Oct (12 Nov) Cruising ferry to Helsinki leaves Stockholm at 17:00. Nice 4 bed cabins onboard to be shared in the group. The boat is full of entertainment, restaurants and tax free shops, so it will be a fun way of starting our trip.

26 Oct (13 Nov) Arriving in fancy Helsinki at 10:00 starting to walk around and tick of the must see places of the map. we leave the town at evening by taking the train towards St Petersburg. We arrive in St Petersburg by midnight and have a bus transfer to our hotel where we share double/twin rooms in the group (most probably Hotel Moskva*** or Hotel Pribaltiskaya****) Seeing this magnificent town for the first time and at night is really impressive actually.

27 Oct (14 Nov) Waking up you will enjoy a great breakfast buffet before we head of to the guided city tour for 3-4 hours. Then you will presumably want to see The Hermitage museum which takes up to a few hours (free entrance with student card). At evening and night you can see a great ballet performance, have a terrific dinner in many great restaurants representing food from all over former Soviet or go to one of many crazy night clubs - or do all of the above at same night, which we actually often do!

28 Oct (15 Nov) Once again breakfast buffet is served until 10:00. After that you have one more day to explore St Petersburg - free program until 23 or midnight when we catch the night train towards Moscow. The train nights are usually the most memorable and fun part of the trip where we divide cabins according to partying types and sleepers - only to find also the sleepers squeezed in in our already hot and crowded cabins!

29 Oct (16 Nov) By the morning we arrive in chaotic and huge town of Moscow - so different from St Petersburg! The bus picks us up for guided city tour until lunch time. Then we check in at Hotel Izmailovo*** (can be changed) also here sharing room with a friend (single rooms can be arranged for a slight difference). This huge hotel complex has everything from restaurants and casinos to a neighboring famous open market for souvenirs (probably the best and biggest in Russia). Free program for the rest of the day. Both days and nights there is plenty to do in Moscow - almost every day of the week (A Monday night here is unfortunate of course!).

30 Oct (17 Nov) You have once more a great buffet breakfast, reaching until 11:00 here. The rest of the day until 17 is free. Go see the Creml, the many great museums and churches or why not Lenin in his mausoleum. By evening we take the night train towards Tallinn. just like last time we share 4 bed comfortable class II cabins with friends and most probably even have the entire car for us.

31 Oct (18 Nov) Arriving in Tallinn at 09:00. Walking around in medieval Tallinn, enjoying a great lunch and domestic beer for great prices and finishing of the tour of this small and cozy town by walking to the harbor before 18:00 when we take yet another great cruise liner, this time taking us back to Stockholm. A night full of parties and new found friendships. Instead of being tired after 7 hectic days, everybody is usually remarkably vivacious this last night onboard!

1 Nov (19 Nov) Back in Stockholm harbor by 10:00. Vodka bottles in the hand, caviar taste in the mouth and on the way to school......

Þarf að segja eitthvað meira?

þriðjudagur, september 11, 2007

Tíminn flýgur!

Ok. Það virðist sem svo að hér í Danaveldi gefist manni allskostar enginn tími til að vera að helga sig blogginu. Veit satt að segja ekki hvort margar bloggfærslur muni fljúga frá mér á meðan á dvöl minn hér stendur. Kannski það sé bara í höndum Swissúar að vera að standa í þessu bloggrugli.

Hendi samt nokkrum myndum inn núna, bara svona til að sanna að ég sé ennþá spriklandi og reyni kannski að endurtaka þann leik svona við og við.

Til Hildar Bjösss: Sorry sæta mín, en andinn er bara ekki yfir mér þessa dagana og tímaleysið alveg hreint allsvakalegt. Svo verðuru örugglega ennþá brjálaðri þegar þú fattar að þetta eru allt myndir sem þú ert búin að sjá nú þegar :) HAHA! Sjáumst á Facebook!